Party Games | Page 8 | Casual Game Revolution

Party Games

Don your chipmunk masks and hunt down acorns to stuff into your cheeks to prepare for winter.

Two pirate teams set sail in search of Blackbeard’s hidden treasure. Race through puzzles to collect the most doubloons and be declared the pirate winner!

Can you read the words when the letters are all upside down or on their sides, and you can’t tell which way is front to back?

Will you lasso in some allies, form a posse, blow up your neighbors (and yourself) with a stick of dynamite, or draw on your opponent?

Draw a picture and get your team to guess it. The catch: some or all of your team can’t actually see the ink. Can you still guess what word that is being drawn?

It’s time for a standoff between the undercover cops and the criminals. Only problem: nobody knows whose side everybody else is on and you don’t want to accidentally shoot your friends.

You’re a robot at the word factory. Words come in a jumbled mess and it is your job to put them back together again. Work fast, but be careful. You might have put the letters back together into words, but were they the right words?

Can you guess seven African countries or members of the Justice League simply by reading the lips of your teammate?

What are you most likely to dress up as for Halloween? A police officer or a a zombie with a chain saw? How likely are you to re-gift a Christmas present?

Work together to tell a fantasy story of characters going on an epic quest…or at least a quest of some sort. How epic it is all depends on you!
