The Op | Page 5 | Casual Game Revolution

The Op

Funko Games has announced a new cooperative game based on the movie E.T., Stonemaier Games has announced a new edition of Libertalia, and Gale Force Nine has a new Doctor Who game coming soon.

Choose a number from zero to five and hope you manage to outwit your opponents. Only the player who chooses the highest unique number will get to perform an action this round, with the number chosen determining that action!

It’s an all-out food fight! Roll your dice as quickly as possible to determine which player will get your next hot dog missile or smoothie attack!

Gamewright has a new word game set for release soon, Asmodee has announced a solo puzzle game, and Ares Games is releasing Mini Rogue.

Arcane Wonders is bringing Picture Perfect to the US, IELLO has announced a re-themed version of Biblios, and The Op is running a Halloween-themed giveaway.

Floodgate Games has announced a new cooperative game, Board Game Quest has posted their recap of this year’s Gen Con, and Blue Orange Games has released Zoom in Barcelona.

WizKids has announced a real-time maze game, a new game in the Welcome To… series is coming soon, and Renegade Game Studios is running a sale through the end of the month.

Gamewright has released a new party game, Asmodee has announced a new party game, and AEG has a new game in the works filled with lots of dogs to love.

How many answers can you come up with for a single category? It’s harder than you think when you’re up against a ten-second timer and can’t give an answer that starts with the same letter of an answer already given.

Pick your park and race against your opponents to fill it with its native animals, while getting rid of the ones that don’t belong.
