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The latest news from Casual Game Revolution and the board game industry.

A 1-year subscription to Casual Game Insider magazine is the perfect gift for the casual gamers in your life! Casual games are perfect for anyone who is new to gaming or simply appreciates lighter games, and we keep our readers up-to-date on the latest and greatest in casual gaming.

How time flies! Can you believe the holidays are upon us already? Celebrate this amazing time of year with some great games! Here are our favorite picks for the 2014 holiday season.

This month, Kickstarter brings games with lots of fun themes and ideas behind them, from one telling the history of an actual town to another that is played on two boards of the same island separated by several million years.

IELLO released King of New York this week, Tabletop season three premiered on YouTube and AEG announced Pretty Pretty Smash Up.

AEG has announced a new variation for Love Letter, R&R Games’ new railroad-themed game Spike is available for pre-order, and a new Dominion expansion is expected in 2015.

Rio Grande Games releases dice game Rattlebones, several sites suggest board games for Halloween and Fireside Games has released Munchkin Panic.

Renegade Game Studios is a brand new game publisher that came seemingly out of the blue, yet has completely sideswiped us with their line of games. We wanted to know who was behind it, so we reached out for an interview.

Foxtrot Games is a recently-launched independent publisher who is delivering some great products for casual gamers. We were curious to know who is behind Foxtrot Games and how they got started, so we reached out for an interview.

This month brings real time fun (five minutes to save the earth from meteors!) and interesting components (a deck of cards printed on dice) as well as great artwork and mechanics. It’s a strong month for Kickstarter games, with unique ideas and a lot of independent publishers.

A special collector’s edition of Settlers of Catan is available for pre-order, Steve Jackson Games has announced two Garbage Pail Kids-themed games, and Rio Grande releases Temporum this week.
