Board Games | Page 24 | Casual Game Revolution

Board Games

Build a maze, race your opponent, and get creative in this unique and challenging game.

Players are gods, betting on fantastical creatures racing around the board. Will the dragon win the race or will the phoenix come in second, in this magical racing game now on Kickstarter?

Build the toughest castle in the land, or perhaps the most comfortable. Fighting off a dragon, playing host to kings, and hoping the walls don’t tumble in, are what this 3D castle building board game on Kickstarter will be offering.

When you pick up Santorini for $49.99, you want to immediately hope you’re going to love it — find out how this game "stacks up."

Game design is a mentally strenuous activity. Do these exercises regularly to stretch your game design muscles and boost your creativity.

Race against time as your flashlights slowly give out and the horrors crowd in, in this cooperative survival horror board game currently on Kickstarter.

Navigate a treacherous maze, fend off vicious birds, and bring home the carrots in this adorable, cooperative, bunny-themed board game for one to six players.

Moonshot: Lunar Solace is now on Kickstarter. Race around the solar system and win the right to govern the Moon's human settlement for the coming year!

It you’re looking for a two-player game that packs a lot of strategy into a short amount of time, Tak-Tak has everything you need.  
