Hjalmar Hach | Casual Game Revolution

Hjalmar Hach

Defuse a tricky trap in this real-time cooperative game where speed isn’t always your friend. Play cards to flip sand timers and move them along the track, but be careful not to flp them too early or they'll run out.

Sound Box is a cooperative party game where players take turns being the guesser who must identify the sounds made by other players based on cards with various objects and actions. It's fast and crazy — you only have 13 seconds to listen on each turn!

Railroad Ink is a roll-and-write dice game about drawing routes on your player board as you lay down rail and help plot the highway, making connections and reaching exits to maximize your points as the dice determine the routes you must take.

Evergreen is a game in which players are taking actions to plant and grow trees across a multitude of ecosystems, in an effort to create a giant forest while also accounting for which direction the sun shines during the game’s four rounds to maximize points for mature trees.

Each player is growing their own trees and collecting light points. The bigger a tree is growing the more light points you earn. You spend light points to buy new trees and finally retire them, earning victory points.
After the sun has gone around the board three times, the game ends and the player with the most points wins.