Osprey Games | Casual Game Revolution

Osprey Games

Players must work together to hunt down an elusive creature, but in the end only one of you will have the glory of the find, so be careful not to give too much information away.

A deeply strategic two player game, in which the game board is made up of a series of spaces connected by threads of fate.
Players compete to control the most threads with strength, power, and sometimes just sheer numbers.
A double-sided board, where one side randomizes where the different threads of fate lie, keeps the game fresh over multiple playthroughs.


Every morning Odin sends his ravens, Huginn and Muninn, across the world to bring back news of what life is like on Earth. Naturally, after thousands of years, they've gotten a little competitive...

Race through the landscape in opposite directions to be the first to return to Odin. Focus on speed, or enlist the help of the trickster god Loki to create shortcuts and hinder your opponent. Can you be certain Loki's changes won't help your opponent instead? There's only one way to find out!