Legends of the Mist is Live on Kickstarter! (if you haven't heard!)
Check out the page Here ~ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/peach04/legends-of-the-...
Legends of the mist is a Euro style Dice rolling game that contains area control, combat and objective based victory points! After everyone has rolled their dice, they are hidden behind a screen to select each turns actions which are all revealed at the same time, different dice contain different chances to take different actions. This is an easy game to learn but has many deep underlying strategies to win!
With game play designed by Chris Peach of Kid Loves Tiger Games and his previous successfully funded Hunters: Enter the Darkness. Art by Dallas Mehlhoff, who also worked on X-wing, Elder Sign, and Descent 2nd Edition, this game will be an asset to any table top enthusiasts collection.
The campaign currently has 2 weeks left and is right at 50% funded on only a 22 day campaign! With your support Legends of the Mist will be on tables across the world! Legends of the Mist is fully finished and ready to go to manufacturing, the only thing needed are backers to show this game is wanted! Game Design is Done, Play testing is Done, Art and Layout are Done! Quoting and Pricing are Done! Legends of the Mist is ready to get printed and sent out as soon as it is funded!
UPDATE #3 was just announced, A review from Undead Viking has been posted as well as new stretch goals to hit for 4 new legends to play with and be sure to check out the previous stretch and social goals!
Thank you in advance for the support!
We want to show our thanks with some free wallpapers :D Wallpaper # 1 ~ http://i.imgur.com/1rhj4Qj.png Wallpaper # 2 ~ http://i.imgur.com/zugqTbK.png Kickstarter Link again is ~ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/peach04/legends-of-the-mist
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