Sea Dragons (Dracostable) – Play one of the pattern cards in your hand to place dragon pieces in that shape onto the board, collecting anything on the spaces your dragon is placed on, and paying two gold for each turbulent water space. If you place your dragon adjacent to an opponent, that opponent gains a coin. Collecting ship tokens of different colors allows you to complete different mission cards, while coral reefs allow you to draw reward cards. You earn victory points at the end of the game for coins, ship tokens, completed missions, and holding the majority of spaces in the different regions of the sea.
Casual Game Crowdfunding: Sea Dragons and Space Cats

There’s a wide array of games this month on Kickstarter, with themes built around sea dragons, alien species collection, nature walks, and pottery studios. There’s also a collection of historical games and a new roll-and-write.
Rocket Ranchers Herding Cats in Space! (Binxadinx Games) – Play a card to your discard pile. The pattern it shows is the layout of the cards you collect from the display. Any space cat cards that are adjacent to the animals you collect must also be taken. When you collect an animal card, you must add it to one of your corrals. Animals of matching species go into the same corral. If you do not have an available corral to place an animal, you play it face-down to create a new corral. At the end of the game, you earn points for the animals you collect (and lose points for empty corrals). Space cats are worth negative points unless you have enough of them — and they start earning positive points.
Forks (Radical 8 Games) – Each round, players are dealt three cards each. Players simultaneously draft one card and pass the others to the player on their left. You then draft a second card, and the leftover card from each hand is placed in the center of the table. You then reveal all the cards in the center of the table. The cards you drafted are kept face-down and are your investment. Cards come in five suits and have a number value. At the end of the game, the three suits that have the highest combined values in the center of the table are worth positive points in your investment pile, while the other two suits are worth negative points in your investment pile.
Ludos: Asia (Lemery Games) – A collection of four two-player games that historically originated in Japan, Mongolia, Nepal, and Korea. Hasami Shogi has you control battling samurai clans. In Jarmo, players are controlling archers trying to reach their opponent's camp. Yut is a racing game that can be played with up to four players, and Bagh Chal has you playing as either tigers trying to hunt down goats, or goats trying to trap the tigers. You can either buy a single game by itself, purchase the games as print-and-plays, or buy the entire collection.
Nature Games Trio: Sunrise, Snowfall, & Floriferous (Pencil First Games) – Each of these three games features relaxing nature or creative themes. Sunrise at the Studio is a set collection game for 1-4 players in which players construct pottery. Snowfall Over Mountains is a solo tile-laying game about walking through the woods after a snowfall. Finally, Floriferous: Pocket Edition is a set collection card game about growing flowers.
Doom Tin Crawler (Moonbound Games) – This solo space adventure game fits inside a tin. Each time you play, you must complete one of the eight missions in order to win the game. When exploring, you flip over a card from the doom deck and read the text. This may describe a battle or have you roll dice to consult the event table to see which event you have encountered. Dice rolls are used for combat, and oxygen and energy levels are used as resources. You can also play the eight missions back-to-back in a campaign-style game.
Isla (Ocean City Games) – In this roll-and-write game, you are trying to research as many new species as possible. In each round, one player will roll all five movement dice. Players who choose to move that round simultaneously select a die and move that number of spaces on their board. However, they may only choose a die color that they do not currently have marked as exhausted on their board. If you choose to rest on a round, you exhaust a die rather than move. Alternatively, you can choose to research on your turn, which allows you to turn in species tokens you have collected for cards from the display.
Disclosure: unless otherwise noted, we have not seen or played any of the above games. Our assessment of each is based on the information given on the crowdfunding project page.