New Member! (first) | Casual Game Revolution

New Member! (first)

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The Nacho's picture
Member Since: 07/08/2013
New Member! (first)

Yay!!   I am the first person to make an introduction.  Neato!

Anywho... I am The Nacho.  I am a gamer, and film maker in Los Angeles.  Stumbled upon this site due to the (current) Kickstarter campaign for the magazine.  Looking forward to it, and participating here.

Game on.

Chris James's picture
Site Admin
Member Since: 04/27/2012

Awesome, glad to see you here, Nacho! What are some of your favorite casual games?

The Nacho's picture
Member Since: 07/08/2013

Thanks for asking.

It's interesting to note one person's definition of casual vs. anothers'.  Feel that Power Grid is just on the edge going from Casual to 'serious' game.  Under Power Grid, I enjoy:  Stone Age, Kingsburg, Survive, Castle Panic, Tobago, Pandemic, Settlers of America, Dominion and others.

Overall, my favorite type of game is "worker placement" games.  However, having said that - I run the gambit of likes from Twilight Imperium and Axis & Allies all the way "down" to Fluxx and King of Tokyo.

Guest's picture

Glad to be here! I’ve been exploring different creative apps lately. Recently came across PixelLab Pro APK 2025—great for adding stylish text and effects to images. Anyone else into mobile design tools?"

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