News Flash: Vote On Next Smash Up Expansion, Coup Hits iOS
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 04/27/2015 - 12:51. Category: News

- Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG) is letting users suggest and then vote on the factions that will appear in next year's Smash Up expansion It's Your Fault.
- The popular microgame Coup has been adapted for iOS and is now available on the iTunes store.
- Hasbro is updating the career choices offered in The Game of Life based on the answers kids gave when asked about what they want to be when they grow up.
- New reviews this week of Colt Express (iSlaytheDragon), Elysium (Shut Up and Sit Down), and Paperback (Board Game Quest).
- Boing Boing took an interesting look back into the past with an article on vintage corporate board games.
- NSPCC, a British children's charity, ran a poll to determine which board game was UK's adults favorite when they were children. Monopoly was declared the winner with over a third of those polled voting for it. Additionally, 59% also voted that video games weren't more fun than board games.
- There's an article on NDTV Gadgets about a group of board game fans in India trying to make the hobby more popular in their country.
- The Board Game Family has listed the five traits that make a great board game for the whole family.