Recommended Casual Game Award | Casual Game Revolution

Recommended Casual Game Award

Casual Game Recommended badgeEach Recommended game has been carefully evaluated by our editorial staff and found to meet the following conditions:

• Representative of the casual game genre in terms of game length, depth, and complexity
• Appeals to a general audience, with a G or PG content rating
• Has acheived a high rating in gameplay, quality, and originality



“Loose lips sink ships” is a saying that dates back to the days of WWII. It also represents a vital wartime principle. There were lots of things that could give German spies away – rust-free staples in their documents, square-headed nails in the soles of their boots, and so on… This game offers everyone an opportunity to walk a mile in the shoes of both a spy who’s close to having their cover blown and a special agent who’s hot on the spy’s heels.

Roll it! Match it! Score it!

It’s fun, it’s fast, and it’s easy! Take turns rolling dice and matching cards trying to score 40 points. Each roll presents new opportunities with fun decisions to make. The rules are simple – Roll it!, Match it!, Score It! But look out, other players may steal the card you’re shooting for…so hurry, pick up the dice and roll for it!

Players use magnetic walls and a good dose of creativity to build the most wicked maze that will leave their opponent scrambling to find their way out. Maze Racers is also a race against time as from the moment a player has finished their maze, the opponent is left with one minute to finish theirs. When the time is up, both sides swap their maze boards and a furious race starts! By tilting their board, each player steers a ball through the maze as quick as they can in an effort to complete it first.

You and your band of thieves are about to pull off the biggest heist of the century! The safes have been cracked and ransacked, but the alarms are wailing and everyone is in a scramble! The cops are hot on your trail, throwing up road blocks, eager to bust you with the loot - can you give them the slip and hold on to the lion’s share of the score? Or will your partners in crime double-cross you? Find out in this mad dash who is the craftiest of Thieves!

Explore the hodge-podge pyramid and claim its exotic treasures! Unfortunately, you aren’t alone. Rival explorers can awaken the guardians and set them on your heels! Unless you do it to them first!

Loot N Run is a subtle bluffing game where you have to know how to take risks.

The matching game of crazy connections and logical links. Perfect for the entire family.

Take a word card or a picture card. The number tells you how many "guesses" you have. Two players secretly write words they associate with the card. Compare lists, move ahead 1 space for each matching word! 

A storytelling game like nothing you’ve seen before! In Co-Mix, you will craft your stories by laying out several panel cards to create a full-blown comic book page. Up to ten people can join in the fun, and you can play by yourself or in teams.

Across the land, an invitation has summoned the most clever apprentices: a chance to enter the secret potion society. The cutthroat members, the Apothecaries, have grown too savvy of each other’s schemes. They’ve chosen you to compete in their black market game! Conjuring powerful magic and deception, outwit your adversaries, and you too might join Apotheca.

Set a trap. Don’t fall in.

Deadfall is a new bluffing game that uses a very simple deck: just the numbers 1 to 10, with 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, and so on. (It’s the same deck as PAIRS.)

Players must play their cards while trying to figure out which ranks have already been played out, all without getting caught in a lie.
