A Rapid Review of Lost Temple | Casual Game Revolution

A Rapid Review of Lost Temple

Lost Temple
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Lost Temple by Stronghold Games is a jungle explorer game in which players attempt to be the first to reach the temple ruins. The board offers a single track from start to finish with various ruins along the way. To progress along the track during each round, players must decide which of the local villagers will help them go the farthest through the jungle. Each villager offers a different ability that is useful in certain situations and not as much in others. While choices are often limited, choosing wisely is important to reaching the goal first.

Lost Temple is casual in nature, yet requires several rounds for new players to become familiar with all of the characters and their abilities, which is key to rapid progress toward the temple. If the players are committed enough to adequately learn the different abilities, it can offer a fun experience, complete with bluffing and some light strategy.