Casual Game Insider Off to a Great Start on Kickstarter

In case you haven't seen our many announcements on social media and elsewhere, this week we launched a Kickstarter campaign to gather support for our 3rd year of Casual Game Insider. Not only are we hoping to continue production of the magazine, but we also will be expanding onto mainstream newsstands — a huge undertaking!
In just 1 day, we already blew past 50% of our $25,000 funding goal! We are so appeciative of the many early backers who have made this happen. We still have a long way to go, however, and we would appreciate all of the help we can get. Anyone who is interested in subscribing for the coming year is encouraged to back the project in exchange for a print or digital subscription. We also have reseller and sponsor packages at huge discounts for anyone who is interested in selling or advertising in our magazine.
Thanks to all of our readers and supporters for believing in us! Even just sharing our project on Facebook or Twitter helps us more than you may realize.
You can check out the campaign here: