News Flash: Hasbro Announces Contest, Rarest Board Games
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 08/28/2015 - 11:46. Category: News

- Hasbro has announced an exciting new initiative which will allow game designers to submit their ideas for a great new party game at Five finalists will be chosen to launch Indiegogo campaigns and the winner will receive $10,000 as well as the chance to work with Hasbro game developers to turn the game into reality.
- Geek and Sundry has posted a list of 10 rare board games. It’s interesting to see why and what makes a game rare (one game actually takes 1500 hours to play).
- Clever Move has taken a look at history, explaining why some people use the expression 'roll them bones' as a way to talk about rolling dice.
- New reviews this week of Lift It! and Wonky (GeekDad), I Hate Zombies (Steve Jackson), and Longhorn (iSlaytheDragn).
- Board Game Quest has announced the launch of a new series of articles which will focus on games for the whole family.
- If you're planning on a game night soon, Geek and Sundry has written a list of suggestions of great casual games to bring along.
- The Guardian has posted a fascinating piece about what video games should learn from board games.
- If you enjoy the occasional solo experience, As a Board Gamer has written a list of the top 10 board games to play alone.