News Flash: Groundhog Day Game, Peak of No Return

Groundhog Day Board Game Announced
A cooperative board game based on the classic comedy film Groundhog Day, has been announced by Funko Games. "Weatherman Phil Connors keeps living the same day over and over again! Yet, instead of despairing, you are on a mission to help him learn and eventually live out the perfect day to break the cycle."
Peak of No Return Announced
Pegasus Spiele has announced the next game in the Undo series: Peak of No Return. It's available this December. "Players perform nine time jumps to change the events of a Himalayan expedition disaster in May 1972. The goal is to save as many of the members of the expedition as possible. "
Board Game Geek Discord Server
Board Game Geek has launched an official BGG discord server. "Lots of great discussions, and we're open to creating new channels so if you have a suggestion, just message us."
Forever Home Animal Rescue Game Released
Family friendly set collection card game Forever Home, has been released and is now available through Amazon. "Collect a set of 5 different pets with their favorite item and win! But watch out, someone can block you with a lost toy or tipped over food bowl."
11 (Not Obvious) Board Games You Can Play Over Zoom
Vulture suggests a few games you might not have considered for playing with friends and family online. "With a little creativity, these excellent games work virtually."
Board Game Arena: A New Game Every Day
Online board gaming site Board Game Arena, has been releasing a new game every day for December. "ONE New Game Release EACH DAY. For 31 Days. That's 31 Games for December. From classics to novelties, indies to famous titles, you'll have a new game to discover each time the moon rises (on Paris time)."
Mysterium Park (Geeks Under Grace): “Yet, while Mysterium Park isn’t perfect, it is the best version of Mysterium. Its price is astoundingly low, and it is the most efficient, well-crafted version of a unique system that helped pioneer a genre.”
The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine (There Will Be Games): “As you can see, I'm enthralled by The Crew. Yet, there is one more thing that is amazing about the game. You can play it 2-player. Now, that is an amazing feat, because most trick-taking games require at least three players.”
Knot Dice and Knot Dice Squared (Gaming With Sidekicks): “I highly recommend this one for solo or duo gamers to enjoy the most. There are opportunities to play more than 2 players but it feels best at the 1-2 player range.”
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Mysterium Park is an odd choice for a name. Why not something like Mysterium Express similar to other games that released a lighter and faster variant?
Playing board games over video whether it's Skype, Zoom, Teams, Meet, etc. isn't usually worth the set-up time and effort. Might as well just play over Board Game Arena, TTS, or any digital version of a game that allows online multiplayer (like Istanbul).
Mysterium Park is an odd choice for a name. Why not something like Mysterium Express similar to other games that released a lighter and faster variant?
Playing board games over video whether it's Skype, Zoom, Teams, Meet, etc. isn't usually worth the set-up time and effort. Might as well just play over Board Game Arena, TTS, or any digital version of a game that allows online multiplayer (like Istanbul).