News Flash: Classic Art Released, Overlords in Training Announced

Classic Art Released
CMON has released a new edition of Classic Art, a 30-minute game for 2-5 players, designed by Reiner Knizia. "A competitive game of prediction in which 2-5 players take on the role of Curators striving to assemble the best art collections. Each Season, players must anticipate the number of famous artworks to be featured in each of the 5 Exhibitions. Only the most intuitive Curators will be decorated with Prestige by the savants of the art world."
Overlords in Training Announced
Catalyst Game Labs has announced a new board game division, which will launched with card game Overlords in Training. "A fast-paced card game where the players are being tested by the final boss, Mike, to become his favorite overlord and do his bidding. Along the way, you collect minions, hunt for items to help you, and fight each other to become stronger."
Archeos Society Announced
Space Cowboys has announced Archeos Society, set for release June 9. "A strategic racing game with simple rules. A single action on each turn: recruit or launch an expedition. Set up small expeditions and progress quickly or compose large teams that are more efficient but take longer to assemble; the choice is yours!"
Halloween Game Pre-Order
Trick or Treat Studios has a new Halloween game available for pre-order. "This 1 vs Many game by renowned designer Emerson Matsuuchi is the first time the original Halloween movie has been made into its own board game."
Sushi Boat Announced
Japanime Games has announced Sushi Boat, set for release this August. "It is a worker placement game where players deploy their workers to try and collect various sushi plates that are traveling along a game board conveyor belt. They have to act fast to grab the best dishes because if a plate remains on a conveyor belt too long, it will end up discarded. The goal of the game is to collect the best dishes to score points and win the game."
Thunder Road: Vendetta Announced
Restoration Games will be releasing Thunder Road: Vendetta at the end of this month. "In 1986, Thunder Road hit the table, unleashing a cavalcade of carnage unlike anything the game world has seen since. We’re thrilled to be bringing back Jim Keifer’s classic in all its dusty, blood-spattered glory — now with a thorough tune-up from designers David Chalker and Brett Myers and a fresh coat of paint from artist Marie Bergeron. "
Dimension: The Brain Game To Go (Geeks Under Grace): “This "To Go" version of Dimension is a great miniaturization of the full Dimension game. Highly recommended for folks who travel frequently.”
My Shelfie (Gaming With Sidekicks): “Overall this game is a great to look at and one of the new gems for family games in 2023. It is bound to be a favorite to many and I think if you have any younger players or new players who love simple to learn but fun to play games this will be right in their wheelhouse.”
Dragon Pets (Meeple Mountain): “Dragon Pets is fairly diverse and definitely more interesting than I formerly gave it credit for. It is nominally fiddly. It is occasionally out of balance. But it has potential as a shifty-eyed tactical filler. It rolls downhill to an enjoyable ending with a very straightforward conclusion.”