News Flash: Ticket to Ride Berlin, Spiel des Jahres Nominees

Ticket to Ride Berlin Announced
Days of Wonder has announced a new edition of Ticket to Ride. "In this fast-paced Ticket to Ride game, players race one another to visit the most iconic locations of the city and complete their Destination Tickets. The winning player will utilize Berlin’s streetcars and, for the first time, will venture under the streets to incorporate a subway system into their routes."
Spiel des Jahres Nominees
The nominees for this year's Spiel des Jahres, Kinderspiel des Jahres, and Kennerspiel des Jahres have been announced.
Good Omens: An Ineffable Game Announced
Renegade Game Studios has announced a Good Omens-themed game, set for release June 5. "Renegade Game Studios will release Good Omens: An Ineffable Game June 5th, charging players with stopping the apocalypse in seven different battle games, each of which you can learn as you play, all in one box! Each of the seven cooperative battle games sees players taking on a different challenge, and
each can be played at varying difficulties! "
Tips for Hosting Game Night
The Tabletop Family has written up an article on how to host a successful game night. "Hosting a board game night is all about having fun with your friends. But to make sure it goes smoothly, there are a few things you can and should do to prepare! These tips will help make sure your next board game night is a success no matter how many friends are invited!"
2023 Cardboard Edison Awards
The winner of this year's 2023 Cardboard Edison Award has been announced. "In Diatoms, you vie with your fellow players to collect and place diatom tiles to create mosaics. Take turns placing tiles representing algae colonies, earning diatoms of different colors and shapes. Then strategically place these diatoms on your own mosaic, taking care to consider how your arrangement will be scored by the judges at the end of the game. Everyone will create a unique, shimmery mosaic, but only one player will win first place for their microscopic art!"
The Ancient World (Second Edition) Released
Red Raven Games has released a new edition of The Ancient World. "This gorgeous update to Ryan's design features includes: Numbered, limited edition boxes. Designer's signature printed in metallic ink. Revised and new titans. Larger, revised player boards/ Expanded game play, including a new resource: AMBROSIA. Titans now attack YOU! Updated district and empire cards."
Chroma Mix (Opinionated Gamers): “There is a nice push and pull between keeping a card for a good action versus mixing it into something that helps lead towards your chosen victory condition. ”
Coral (What’s Eric Playing): “A great little abstract game! I think what it’s got going for it best is that it’s lightning-fast. For me, there’s always something about a quick abstract. The quicker you can set it up, the easier it is to replay it as soon as you lose (or win, I guess) and go again.”
Star Wars: Unlock! (The Board Game Family): “I played through the 3 different adventures with 3 different groups of players and everyone had a great time with each adventure. I played the first with co-workers over a lunch break. The second I played with our family. And the third I played with my game group. All were a hit and we successfully got through the games within the 60 minute time limit.”