Feedback on CGI so far? | Casual Game Revolution

Feedback on CGI so far?

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Chris James's picture
Site Admin
Member Since: 04/27/2012
Feedback on CGI so far?

We have now produced 4 issues of Casual Game Insider  (3 of which have been released to date - the 4th issue is scheduled for July). It has been an immense yet rewarding challenge. It's not perfect, of course, but we have learned a lot and we hope to continue to produce it. We will be running a Kickstarter campaign in July to fund a second year of the magazine and expand our distribution.

What have you liked about CGI so far? What have you disliked? How can it be improved? We would appreciate your feedback, both positive and negative. We hope we are having a positive impact on the industry and the casual gamers we serve. It has been very rewarding to hear feedback from our readers who identify with us and our cause - it is what keeps us going through the difficult times.

bookwyrmm's picture
Member Since: 05/26/2012

As a casual gamer (not a retailer), I love the game reviews and the articles that relate to gamers - I really loved the articles in this past issue the best as they all seemed to relate to gamers rather than sellers.  As I am not a seller, I have no use for the shelf talkers, but it is not like they are taking away from my enjoyment of Casual Game Insider.  I would love to see more articles explaining game play, like the article on Hive (which I now what to play).

Melanie James's picture
Site Admin
Member Since: 11/14/2012

bookwyrmm wrote:

 I would love to see more articles explaining game play, like the article on Hive (which I now what to play).

Are there any specific games you would like to see in depth explanations of?

bookwyrmm's picture
Member Since: 05/26/2012

Good question.  Survive: Escape from Atlantis seems like it could have some good strategy - especially considering it just celebrated it's 30th anniversary.  Forbidden Island is another I would love to see explored.

bookwyrmm's picture
Member Since: 05/26/2012

Hope your Kickstarter goes well!  I immediately went on as soon as I got home from work today to pledge so I could "renew" my subscription.  And so excited to see a game that I am eagerly awaiting on the cover of this quarter's issue!

bookwyrmm's picture
Member Since: 05/26/2012

I really liked that instructions for a card game were included in the Summer issue.  I would love to see more of these.

bookwyrmm's picture
Member Since: 05/26/2012

Thanks for your article on online board gaming.  I have been playing a lot of Lost Cities on Happy Meeple.

I kickstarted the mag and purchased the pdfs of the first four issues. Hope to get around to them this coming weekend! =)

Geoffrey Briggs
Nick D's picture

I backed this on the 2nd year and really enjoying the back issues and the current one. 

bookwyrmm's picture
Member Since: 05/26/2012

I waiting to read the current one in print, but totally do not mind the delay.

Hi there,

Glad to read you discovered our online board gaming platform thanks to CGI.

We have been working hard to get these great casual games like Lost Cities, Finito, Keltis Card available for all to play online.

We will keep adding more dice and card games in future. And that will always be with a good tutorial to get you started within minutes.

Enjoy CGI and Happy Meeple! 

bookwyrmm's picture
Member Since: 05/26/2012

Great articles in the current issue.  Loved the one on microgames and the one on modern games that incorporate mechanics from popular childhood games.

Nick D's picture

It looks like I'm about 3 years late to the conversation... but in case anyone's still here.

I'm sorry to say this, but it's just too hard to take a publication seriously with 4 issues in a year. We're in an age where I want something 2 *seconds* from now. This afternoon is already too late. If I have to wait 3 months for the next issue, it's unlikely I'll even remember I've subscribed.

Chris James's picture
Site Admin
Member Since: 04/27/2012

Hi M,

Fair enough. Thanks for the feedback!

Our release schedule was carefully chosen based on a balance of cost, sponsor needs, and release frequency for the types of games we cover. Fortunately, we provide a mix of print and online content to suit the needs of all of our readers. Breaking news and other timely information is featured online, while timeless articles about casual gaming (tips, interviews, lifestyle, etc.) are usually published in print.

Noah Harris
Nick D's picture
Because it is such a wonderful location, I particularly enjoy reading about this location. You have an unrivaled workforce on your website, and your blog is also fantastic. Both of these things are true. great post, and I hope you continue to do well! lol beans    

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