News Flash: New Rory's Story Cubes, Renegade Games Giveaway

Rory's Story Cubes: Fantasia Released
Gamewright Games has released Rory's Story Cubes: Fantasia. "Conjure up fantastic fairytales with Rory's Story Cubes! Contained within this set are nine iconic cubes that will help you tell tales of magical feats, mythical beasts, and medieval feats."
Renegade Games December Giveaway
For 20 days in December, Renegade Games is giving away a new game every day. “To celebrate, we'd like to give something back. Over the next 20 days, we'll be giving away each of the games we published this year. Enter for your chance to win everyday!”
Gloom: Digital Edition
Asmodee Digital has announced Gloom: Digital Edition. "Gloom: Digital Edition, the dark and humorous card game from Atlas Games & Sky Ship Studios, will be available on Steam in March 2018!"
Board Games in 1843 Magazine
1843 has published an article about the recent rise of board games. "Board games are back, thanks to the lessons their designers have learned from computer games."
Best Licensed Games
The Daily Worker Placement has posted a list of their favorite officially licensed games. "Licensed games used to have a terrible reputation to them. Too often, publishers slapped a sloppy game together that didn’t do board game fans or fans of the source material any justice. The times are changing and more and more companies are valuing the intellectual properties they get the right to."
Top 6 Team Games
Meeple Mountain lists 6 great games to play in teams. "Most people would consider board gaming to be purely competitive; one person competing against the other players, but the board games on this list are specifically designed for team play."
Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle The Monster Box of Monsters (Play Board Games): “Being able to customize the game going forward is a nice touch too. It adds a bunch of replay value to the series even if this is the last expansion.”
Magic Maze (Space Biff): “When Magic Maze gets going, there is a peculiar music to it. Trying to sync everyone’s brains to the same rhythm when they’d much rather feature a mix of classical orchestra, brassy jazz, and grunge rock is what gives the game its center, and it isn’t long before the whole thing either slides into place or careens off into oblivion.”
Jaipur iOS App (Meeple Mountain): “Asmodee has offered some great enhancements to an already great game. If digital versions of board games are your jam, or if you just want a great app, the Jaipur iOS app is for you.”