News Flash: News@11 Released, Spring Meadow Announced

Floodgate Games Releases News@11
News@11 is now available to order. "Fill in cue cards and incorporate the topics on them into your segment as you deliver the news. Stories from the morning come back in the afternoon and evening, getting stranger and more tangled each time."
Spring Meadow Announced
A new game designed by Uwe Rosenberg has been announced. "Place your meadow tiles with 0-2 holes skillfully on your mountain board to receive extra tiles when creating or expanding groups of holes. Find your way around the burrows of the marmots because they can restrict you during tile placement."
Clank! In! Space! Expansion Announced
Clank! In! Space! Apocalypse! has been announced, an expansion to Clank! In! Space!. "Clank! In! Space! Apocalypse! will be available to play or purchase at Gen Con 2018 or at your local game store in August."
Guide to Room Escape Games
iSlaytheDragon has written up an article going through the various room escape games that are currently available. "My wife and I have tried several of the at-home tabletop escape rooms available on the market, and in this guide are our impressions of the main series."
The Pandemic Games
Geek and Sundry takes a look at the games in the Pandemic family. "It’s been 10 years since 4 unnamed diseases were unleashed on the world. Since that moment, thousands of gamers around the world have put Pandemic on the table in an attempt to save humanity from these cube shaped viruses. These past 10 years have seen the world of Pandemic grow and adapt."
Million Dollars, But... The Game Announced
Cryptozoic and Rooster Teeth have announced a new party game titled Million Dollars, But... The Game. "Players each create a scenario—using one Trigger and one Rule card—that proposes a situation in which someone gets a million dollars, but must do something distasteful in return. The judge reads these scenarios aloud and, then, the other players glorify or downplay the various scenarios. The winner of the round is the player who creates the scenario that the judge decides he or she would not do."
King’s Road (What’s Eric Playing?): “If you’re looking for a quick and easy game to get to the table that’s got some interesting round-to-round decisions and some fun simultaneous action, though, King’s Road might be the game to check out!”
Paramedics: Clear! (Big Boss Battle): “One thing I did notice was that it rarely seemed to matter whether a player won or lost — it was always considered a fun game all the same, and there was usually a lot of laughter and excitement at the table as the game unfolded.”
Carta Impera Victoria (Opinionated Gamers): “There is a bit of take that to the game as many of the effects target particular opponents. There is some obvious targeting of a perceived leader, but that seems to even out.”