News Flash: Waddle Announced, Iberian Railways Coming Soon

Waddle Announced
WizKids has announced a new, penguin-themed game. "In this fun, friendly, and accessible game from legendary video game designer Raph Koster (Ultima Online, Star Wars Galaxies) and tabletop guru Isaac Shalev, players will take an adorable group of curious penguins sightseeing around the city trying to match the patterns on their cards with the locations the penguins travel to."
Iberian Railways Coming This Spring
Rio Grande Games has announced Iberian Railways. It is for three-to-five players and has a play time of an hour. "The players in the game start with no money and no income. Connecting to cities on the game board increases a railway's revenue, but players must take loans to build their rail network. These loans provide instant capital but come with substantial interest, which is paid each turn."
Fantasy Fluxx Release
The newest game in the Fluxx series is set for release this week. "Magic and Monsters, Danger and Dungeons, Heroes, and um...Hordes and Hoards![...]All the classic fantasy tropes we could cram into one game!"
Top Games of 2020
Gaming With Sidekicks has posted their favorite games from the past year. "Hello everyone and welcome to my list of the top 10 games of 2020! This list is made up of the games that I specifically (Isaac) have played and enjoyed."
25th Anniversary of Looney Labs Event
Looney Labs is hosting Silver Jubilee Zoom events to celebrate the anniversary of their company. Tickets for the first two events are now on sale.
Rocketmen Announced
PHALANX and Ares Games have announced a new deckbuilder, set for release in March of this year. "A deckbuilding confrontation of swift decision-making and tactical choices, giving players the feel of taking a front seat in a technologically wonderful spectacle of space exploration."
Ten Games in Which You're The Villain
A round up of ten board games where you get to play the bad guy. "So here are ten of our favourite picks that let crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the person who bought the game in the first place."
Succulent (What’s Eric Playing): “I like a lot of things that Succulent does, like its art and its whole general vibe. It’ll work very well for players who are thematically into games like Herbaceous or other “chill” games that want something perhaps a little more complex.”
Dragon Castle (Board Game Quest): “A great abstract strategy game with some excellent production values.”
Jurassic Parts (Gaming With Sidekicks): “Overall I would recommend this one to families with kiddos who love dinosaurs or really anyone who wants to get out a chisel, dig around in the dirt and become the best Paleontologist at the dining room table.”