News Flash: Bequest Released, Mega Man Adventures Pre-Order

Bequest Released
WizKids has released a new 'I Cut, You Choose' game. "Each round, every player gets a hand of five cards that they’ll need to split with their neighbor, representing some of Dr. Schism’s assets. It could be Treasure, Gadgets, the deeds to Hideouts, or even Evidence of his misdeeds! You’ll decide how to split the 5 cards, but split them wisely, as your neighbor will choose who gets which pile!"
Mega Man Adventures Pre-Order
Blacklist Games has made Mega Man Adventures available for pre-order. The game is expected to ship next year, during the second quarter. "A cooperative game for 1-4 players designed by Michael Kelley and Peter Gousis. Based on the classic video game franchise, Mega Man Adventures sees players take on the roles of Mega Man and his allies to battle against the nefarious Dr. Wily and his powerful Robot Masters."
Mini Rogue Expansions
Ares Games has announced two expansions for the compact dungeon crawler Mini Rogue. "Two expansions for the minimalist dungeon crawler Mini Rogue start to hit the stores on November 26th: Depths of Damnation, a full scale expansion introducing "Choose Your Own Story" cards, and Glittering Treasure, a mini expansion featuring new cards with a stunning foil effect."
Survive: Escape From Atlantis 30th Anniversary
Stronghold Games has announced a 30th anniversary edition of Survive: Escape From Atlantis, set for release on the fifteenth. "The goal of this game is to lead Explorers away from a sinking volcanic island to the safety on one of four islands nearby. The game ends when the volcano explodes, and the player with the most Explorer points wins."
Holiday-Themed Games
The Game Aisle has pulled together a round-up of Christmas-themed games to play this year. "If you’re looking to expand your collection to make sure you can stay merry at home or with family or friends, here are some suggestions for Christmas themed games by age."
Stocking Stuffer Suggestions
The Tabletop Family suggests twenty games that make good stocking stuffers. "We’re sharing 20 of our favorite board games for Stockings! These games are all relatively small, below $20, and sure to bring a little extra fun on Christmas Day!"
Trek 12 (Geeks Under Grace): “A standout among roll-and-write games. It presents an interesting puzzle with lots of variability and extra content to explore. Highly recommended for fans of this genre.”
Zombie Princess and the Enchanted Maze (GeekDad): “If you are looking for an accessible game with thinking and a fun theme to play with your family or game group, I recommend Zombie Princess and the Enchanted Maze.”
MicroMacro: Crime City – Full House (Just Push Start): “More of the same, but it is a great “same” that continues to elevate the Where’s Wally logic of finding things into a memorable experience. If you had issues with the original then, unless it was the lack of parental advice on what cases contain, you won’t find a revolutionised experience here.”