Game recommendations for family of 5... | Casual Game Revolution

Game recommendations for family of 5...

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bighurt71's picture
Member Since: 06/10/2013
Game recommendations for family of 5...


I myself am getting more into board gaming, a little late to the game but hooked, (I am 42)

Any good suggestions for games that I might be able to get the rest of the family hooked with to get them started!

Wife (my age, non gamer), 3 sons, 8, 10, and 12.

It would be nice to find something we can all 5 play, and I myself would like it to lean a little more towards strategy, but not to difficult where the rest of the family would get frustrated!


Chris James's picture
Site Admin
Member Since: 04/27/2012

Take a look at our recommended games page for some ideas. It's not an exhaustive list by any means, but they are games that we have personally evaluated and were rated favorably.

Based on your description, I would say that Gold Mine, Ticket to Ride, and Eruption would be good choices as they all accommodate 5 to 6 players (I designed Gold Mine and Eruption, so take that with a grain of salt - but I truly think they are good for your situation). If you think they would like cooperative games, Castle Panic is a great choice, as well.

The Nacho's picture
Member Since: 07/08/2013

I agree, Castle Panic is not a bad choice. Also, look into SURVIVE!.  I am 41 and it's one of my favorite 'light' games (a far cry from Twilight Imperium - one of my favorites.)

bookwyrmm's picture
Member Since: 05/26/2012

It's only a 4-player game, but Hey, That's My Fish is fun for all ages.  Also, if you are looking for something a tad more educational, 10 Days in Europe is awesome, but also 4-player.  Both involve some minor strategy.

darthziggy1973's picture
Member Since: 07/09/2013

I LOVE Hey, That's My Fish. It has strategy and adorable penguin pieces! The fact it is very portable is a plus as well.

darthziggy1973's picture
Member Since: 07/09/2013

A few games I suggest (and used) as gateway games to intro the non-gamer into the hobby...

- Man Bites Dog, Zombie Dice, Tsuro and Pass the Pigs.

bookwyrmm's picture
Member Since: 05/26/2012

Is Pass the Pigs the one where you roll pigs?  My friends and I used to play that one when we were little.  We thought "makin' bacon" was funny.

bighurt71's picture
Member Since: 06/10/2013

Thanks for the recommendations, I think I might pick up "Hey, That's my Fish" along with some of the others to try.

We did try Castle Panic, and they seem to like that also.

bookwyrmm's picture
Member Since: 05/26/2012

Now that I've played it, I would also recommend Ticket to Ride.  It's 5-player and pretty easy to learn.

Carl's picture

My recommendation is wife is particular about games and she loved this one and 6 people can play.

Carl's picture

Carcassonne (my personal preference is Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers) could also be a good fit.  It plays 5 with some strategy/spatial skills.  Also a great gateway game and plays pretty quickly.

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Carl's picture

dixit is a good one for casual gaming as well.  There are quite a few of traditional card games out there that are fairly casual, my parents taught us 'oh hell' but always called it moron bridge instead, great game to pass the time with a simple deck of cards. 

Aaron Williams's picture
Member Since: 10/18/2013

I'll chime in on Forbidden Island or maybe Forbidden Desert (haven't played Desert).  I've played Forbidden Island with nieces and nephews about that age and it was a great Hit.

J. Riddell
Carl's picture

Try Rise of Augustus. It's gamer bingo and a great casual game. Other recent favorites for our family are Las Vegas and YamSlam (love dice games).

Carl's picture

I think Zooloretto is a fun one! Might be too light for what you're looking for though. 

Urutsini's picture
Member Since: 10/21/2013

There are a few casual card games I'd recommend for a family:

  • Fluxx
  • Citadels
  • Council of Verona
  • Seven Dragons
  • Evil Baby Orphanage
  • Mascarade
  • Saboteur
  • Coup
csharks's picture
Member Since: 03/26/2015

I would like to add Megapocket Carrom.. But it's a 4 -player game

TierraMccroy's picture
Member Since: 04/11/2016

my suggestions are Council of Verona and Seven Dragons. u should try it

Tournament Gamer's picture
Member Since: 11/21/2016

A few games I suggest to you are

  • Solitaire Showdown
  • Mega Stars Tri-Peaks Solitaire
  • Make 13 Pyramid Solitaire

These all games are multiplayer games.

aliuamir aliuad
Carl's picture

Thank you for such a well written article. It’s full of insightful information and entertaining descriptions. Your point of view is the best among pass turkey

aliuamir aliuad
Carl's picture

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