CGI#48: Rebel Princess, Game Thrifting, Game Libraries, and Summer Games | Casual Game Revolution

CGI#48: Rebel Princess, Game Thrifting, Game Libraries, and Summer Games

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Rebel Princess gets a deluxe makeover from Bezier Games that features new ways to outwit suitors, smoother rules, and a swanky component upgrade.

Plus: the hobby of game thrifting that is a game in and of itself, philosophies of game design from several prolific designers, new games that bring the heat this summer, board game libraries and tips for starting your own, content creators who have found a unique board gaming niche, and a FREE print-and-play game: Hickory Dickory Dock by Mike Heiman. Our readers also discuss the games they have introduced to the most people.

This issue features reviews of Sky Team, Vampire Village, Unboxed, Xylotar, Quicksand, Donuts, Piles! and a guest review of Butts on Things by Major Fun.

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Summer 2024
AnnaMaria Jackson-Phelps, Bayard Catron, Andrew Lupp, Natalie Rodriguez, Justin Spicer, Stephen Conway