News Flash: Backstab Released, R&R Games Announces Expansions
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 03/19/2015 - 18:19. Category: News

- The card game Backstab was released this month. Players attempt to gain coins in encounters, but can also win them from backstabbing one another.
- R&R Games announced on Twitter that they're working on expansions for both Spellcaster and Time's Up.
- Renegade Games has acquired the rights to publish Snow Tails, a game about racing huskies in the Arctic Circle which was originally released back in 2008.
- New reviews this week of The Worst Game Ever (GeekDad), Tokaido (The Second Hand Took), and Camel Up (iSlaytheDragon).
- NBC News featured a news story on board games last week, talking about the rising popularity and sales of the industry and showing the wide range of tabletop games, featuring games from Monopoly and Life to Dead of Winter and Love Letter. Even the web series Tabletop got a brief mention.
- Days of Wonder is apparently creating an expansion for Five Tribes, which will be adding a sixth tribe.
- Hasbro has announced which countries won the fan vote to appear on the Monopoly Here & Now World and US editions. You can check out all the winners here.
- Paste Magazine has published an article about the ten coolest board game components. The airship from Forbidden Desert is one of them. You can see the other components here.
- The production company behind the popular British show Orphan Black has announced that the show will be getting both a card game and board game adaptation and that they are expected to be released later this year.