News Flash: Ares Games Announces Behind the Throne, Asmodee Releases New Game Trailer
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 03/03/2016 - 22:15. Category: News

- Ares Games will be partnering with IGames to publish a push your luck card game this summer titled Behind the Throne.
- Asmodee has released a game trailer for Histrio, a new game about acting troupes performing for the King, which will be released later this year.
- Paste Magazine did a write up of the games at the NY Toy Fair.
- New reviews this week of SpaceTeam (iSlaytheDragon), Ninja Camp (Bearded Meeple), and Nefarious(Theology of Games).
- If you're interested in learning more about the new Days of Wonder game Quadropolis, which is expected to be released in the US this April, you can listen to its designer talk about the game here, or download the rules here.
- BoardGameGeek has posted a first look video of the iOS edition of Patchwork.
- Making Fun has announced that they have lost the license to Dominion Online and will only continue to support the game through 2016.
- Lifehacker has some suggestions for getting your friends and family interested in board games.