News Flash: King of Tokyo Dark Edition Announced, Merlin's Beast Hunt Released

King of Tokyo: Dark Edition Announced
IELLO has announced a collector's edition of King of Tokyo that will be out in 2020. "This edition includes deluxe components (such as an embossed box and lightning-bolt-shaped energy) and all-new art by Paul Mafayon. The game is based on the classic KoT rules, with the addition of a new mechanism exclusive to this edition to offer a fresh gaming experience."
Merlin’s Beast Hunt Out Now
WizKids has released Merlin’s Beast Hunt, a dice allocation game. "Each turn, players will place cards and dice on a board representing the hunting ground, where the mystical creatures roam free. These cards come in 4 unique types and form fences when played, while the dice, with 6 unique types, act as the bases. In order to successfully build fences, players must match the symbols on the dice to the symbols on the cards."
Wayfinders Now Available from Pandasaurus
Wayfinders is released this week. "You will need to think on your feet and outfit your planes with the right gear to arrive safely. But building hangars on islands and stocking them with parts can help you zip around with ease!"
How to Talk Yourself Out of Buying Games
iSlaytheDragon has posted an article about persuading yourself not to buy games. "Once upon a time I struggled with buying way too many games. More than I could reasonably store, or even expect to play in one lifetime."
Employee Cameos in Board Games
Kotaku has done a fun post of a few examples of board game company employees being featured in the artwork. "Fantasy Flight, the publishers of some of the biggest and best board games around […] have a little tradition going among staff: Once you’ve worked there for five years, you get to appear as a character in one of their games."
Honga (Board Game Quest): “A thematic and engaging family weight game that will lead to a love of Feld-like euros in no time!”
Unfair (Meeple Mountain): “A somewhat hidden gem that deserves a lot more praise than I have heard about it. A guilty keep for my collection.”
The Aquicorn Cove (Gaming Bits): “It has a great table presence and looks amazing to boot. I enjoy the mechanics of the game and how easy it is to learn. This is one that everyone can enjoy.”