Reviews | Casual Game Revolution


Reviews of casual board games.

Hairpin turns, screeching tires, collisions, near misses, and a race to the finish!

You seek to join King Arthur’s round table, but how will you do so with only an anxious flight attendant, a world-class food critic, and a Polaroid camera to help you on your way?

Napoleon has invaded Poland, and the Russians have arrived to drive back him back. Which side will you lead to victory or defeat?

Help game designer extraordinaire, Roland Wright, create the perfect dice game by rolling dice. Roll, write, and erase, to make sure your game wins the most awards.

The heroes have all gone missing, and it is up to their sidekicks to protect the city and get to the bottom of this mystery!

It’s time to defend the castle once again. Only this time, it’s the kids' turn to do so.

Dive into the ocean, in this roll and write game full of octopods and submarines. Improve your lab and analyze crystals, but tread carefully because your opponents will benefit from your dice rolls as well!

Mastermind mergers. Dabble in inside trading. Loot companies. Do what it takes to give you a step up and amass a powerful, unstoppable railway empire for yourself!

Five different types of flowers abound in the garden. Send your insect guardians to claim them and earn points for each petal you collect.

Potion Explosion uses marbles to create a unique, puzzle-y board game experience, with an eye-catching set piece.
