Reviews | Page 11 | Casual Game Revolution


Reviews of casual board games.

Speed is key, as you race to complete orders and use your ingredient cards to replicate burgers exactly. Are you sure you got that bacon in the right place? Because if you announce you’re done too early, you could be out of the round.

Come up with the same answer in order to merge with your fellow players and become one giant blob!

Can you read your teammates and choose the right moment to play each card in your hand? With the help of a seer, you’ll hopefully have just enough information to guide your choices.

Make friends with unicorns, brownies, and faeries as you explore a magical realm of fantasy, build a garden, and earn the friendship of these faerie folk.

Can you get your pizza delivered in a town you don’t know, while surrounded by ghosts you can’t see? Be the first to find your way and become the best pizza deliverer in town!

Use your investigators wisely to collect evidence on a wide range of crimes. But don’t pursue any one crime too doggedly or you’ll scare off your target and have to start again from scratch.

Create sets and steal Indiana Jones to get ahead and win this card game of familiar characters and useful powers.

Which one of the photos in your hand best fits the word ‘sweet’? Maybe none of them do, in which case which one least fits it? Because that could earn you a point as well.

With a little math and a lot of hand management, race to be the first to cross off all the boxes on your player sheet!

Build your way up, one ladder at a time, either competitively or cooperatively in this charming dexterity game.
