All of humanity is in danger! Four deadly diseases are wreaking havoc on mankind and you and your team of disease-fighting experts must cure them before they spread too much and become uncontrollable. Pandemic, by Z-Man games, is a very popular cooperative game that was first released in 2008, but a new edition in 2013 includes all-new artwork and components. But is this game an ideal choice for casual gamers?
Ah, football — the hard-hitting, adrenaline-pumping, injury-inducing American sport. Some of the biggest rivalries have been fought out on the football field. But what if the game were instead a board game played out on your table? Would the competition be just as fierce? CSE Games, the publisher of Hand-Off The Card Football Board Game, certainly thinks so, and we recently were given the opportunity to try it out.
If you're into playing card games, then you'd better watch out: witches and magicians are about to infiltrate your deck. HeartSwitch, by U.S. Games Systems, is a twist on the classic game of Hearts that adds additional bonuses and penalties, as well as some new strategies, to spice up the game.
Party games and casual gamers are usually a great fit for each other. We at Casual Game Revolution love a good party game when the occasion calls for it. We recently had the opportunity to evaluate Ticked Off by R&R Games, which has some similarities to games like Scattergories and Outburst while also adding in some unique game play elements.
Saddle up and get ready to head to the tracks! HomeStretch by R&R Games brings the excitement of horse racing right to your table. Whether or not you are into horse racing or you are a skilled gambler, there is fun to be had cheering on your miniature horses to the finish line.
Take a journey with me back to a time when messages were delivered not by text or email, or even snail mail as we know it, but as a handwritten and hand-delivered parchment. The king lazily sits on his throne as his servants receive messages of various importance, who then rush to get the message to the king as quickly as possible to be rewarded for their work.
I have always been fascinated by magnets. When I first got a set of (recently recalled) Buckyballs, I was entertained for hours. Thus, the strong magnets that come with AttrAction, by R&R Games, are interesting enough by themselves — but do they also make a fun game? Thanks to the publisher, we recently had the opportunity to find out for ourselves.
Spot It! Party is a new game from Blue Orange Games that expands the popular Spot It! card game to include some new variations of play, a hand mascot, and other additional components. We were recently given the opportunity to dive into the game for the first time, and the results were surprising.
Casual gamers come from all ages and backgrounds, and certainly sports fans are no exception. For the hockey fan, NHL Ice Breaker is a highly competitive and fast-paced game that brings the excitement of hockey to the table. We recently had the opportunity to evaluate this officially licensed NHL game from CSE Games. I will tell you what we thought of it, but first a bit of info on the game itself.
Who doesn't love rolling a handful of dice? Dice games are plentiful nowadays, and everyone should have a few good casual dice games in their game collection. We have recently evaluated three new ones, Flash!, Nada!, and Botchee. Find out below how we liked each of them.