News Flash: USAopoly Releases Selfie, The Last Banquet Arrives From Fantasy Flight Games
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 09/19/2014 - 11:03. Category: News

- USAopoly's Selfie was released this month. A party game in which players draw cards with expressions listed on them, that they must make while taking a picture of themselves. Other players then try to guess what expression the player was trying to make.
- Fantasy Flight Games has released a party/team game titled The Last Banquet that plays 6 to 25 people.
- Game Salute releases card game The Great Snowball Battle and dice game Monsters and Maidens this week.
- New reviews this week of Sushi Go! (The Game Aisle), Dead Panic (The Gaming Gang), and The Card Game of Oz (iSlaytheDragon).
- Play Board Games has created a 2014 edition of their top 10 board game expansions list.
- TIKI Editions has announced a new tile laying game with rules suitable for children and adults alike named GAÏA.
- Steve Jackson Games is set to release Munchkin Treasure Hunt, their first game meant for a younger audience. GeekDad takes a look at the game, giving a detailed preview of it.
- It's been announced that the popular superhero card game Sentinels of the Multiverse is scheduled to have an iOS adaptation released in October.
- An annual Halloween parade in Meadville, Pennsylvania has chosen board games as this year's theme. Hopefully there'll be pictures of the parade, because the theme should make for some fantastic photos.