Game industry | Page 47 | Casual Game Revolution

Game industry

Game Salute releases microgame Tattletale this week, Bananagrams WildTiles is now available in Target stores, and Cheapass Games is offering a free print-and-play beta version of their game Stuff and Nonsense.

Rio Grande Games announced Temporum for August, The New Yorker ran an article on Query, and Looney Labs released Regular Show Fluxx.

Victory Point Games announces Who Stole the Cookie?, Cryptozoic has released The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Deck-Building Game, and a web-based version of Settlers of Catan has been released.

It is clear that the casual video game explosion did not simply happen by accident. What can the board game industry learn from the casual video game industry?

Camel Up has won the 2014 Spiel des Jahres award, Goliath Games has recently released three new games for kids, and Game Salute has announced Vici will be out next week.

Game Salute has released an expansion for Marrying Mr. Darcy, Days of Wonder’s Five Tribes is now available for pre-order, and new website Tabledom has been released to help connect gamers.

Mayfair Games has released Bedpans and Broomsticks: Escape From Shady Pines, Asmodee has announced two new expansions for Timeline, and Tasty Minstrel Games will be releasing their first co-op game.

New casual games from Blue Orange Games, Stronghold Games now accepting pre-orders for three new games, Cryptozoic announces The Hobbit: And Unexpected Journey Deck Building for July.

Several new editions of Love Letter are set to be released by AEG and Cryptozoic Entertainment, the 2014 Origins Award winners have been announced, and a new game from first time publishers Green Couch Games.

Z-Man Games announces Contagion, AEG and Steve Jackson Games to release Munchkin Loot Letter, and three new games from Game Salute.
