Reviews | Page 29 | Casual Game Revolution


Reviews of casual board games.

The sequel to The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine, published by KOSMOS, Mission Deep Sea follows in the footsteps of its predecessor while bringing some new ideas to the table.

Your team has pulled off a series of epic art heists! But now it’s time to divide the loot, gather alibis, and come out on top.

You’ve been murdered! Oops! But don’t worry. It’s not the end. You find yourself in the afterlife, determined to find out "who done it."

Make your way through the dungeon maze collecting keys, finding treasure, and defeating monsters in this real-time racing game played with markers and dungeon maps.

Knock jewels off of the box to fill your wagons. But don’t get too greedy and knock too hard, or the dragon wakes up and you won’t get anything.

It’s an all-out food fight! Roll your dice as quickly as possible to determine which player will get your next hot dog missile or smoothie attack!

A 3D remake of Ubongo published by KOSMOS, this game has all players working simultaneously on a tactile puzzle, racing to complete it before the timer runs out.

Brooklyn, 1980. Gunshots are heard from a locked apartment. When the cops enter they find a man lying dead on the sofa. Can you discover what happened?

What sound do you make for a panda eating bamboo or a deep sea diver? You’ll have to decide, and hope other players agree with you, or risk losing points!

This tile placement game from designer Kevin Wilson and artist Chris Bilheinmer presents a Zen gaming experience.
