Reviews | Page 31 | Casual Game Revolution


Reviews of casual board games.

In this quick five-to-ten-minute game, players roll dice to score hits and play cards to manipulate those results. Published by Sparkworks, I Hate To Kill You is a Princess Bride-inspired game that is fast, fun, and extremely light.

Take on the role of a painter, hiking through beautiful landscapes looking for the perfect scenes to capture in order to fill commissions and earn renown.

Lady Leona has died. All the guests have gathered, hoping to inherit from her will. But first, they’re going to have to hunt it down!

Try to be the first player out, while also setting up situations in which your opponents are left without options; in this speedy little card game in which you never know from one turn to another whether you’ll be playing higher cards or lower ones.

Complete tasks around the kingdom and rescue the three lost wolf cubs, all before the fearsome dragon reaches the city of Rietburg.

You've met the heroes on their downtime in The Red Dragon Inn. Now it's time for them to put down those tankards and go adventuring!

Published by WizKids, Greece Lightning is a snappy racing game with some push your luck elements, board manipulation, and just a whiff of take-that.

Build your constellation one die at a time! But choose your dice carefully as you can only connect a lower die result to a higher one, and each color of die has a unique way of scoring.

Fill your park with great rides and attract the most people in the latest title from Blue Orange Games. Read our review and enter to win a free copy with upgraded metal coins!

What is something hot that has a name which is two syllables long? Or something found on a desk that starts with the letter A?
