Big Box O' Games Giveaway - Summer 2017 | Casual Game Revolution

Big Box O' Games Giveaway - Summer 2017

Big Box O' Games Giveaway

This giveaway has expired. Click here to enter our latest giveaway!

Our Big Box O' Games Giveaway is back! Help us celebrate our 5th anniversary issue of Casual Game Insider and our new Kickstarter campaign by entering to win these eight brand new games.

  • Forbidden Island — In this popular cooperative game, race to collect the treasures and make a triumphant escape from the island before it sinks into the depths of the sea.
  • Sheriff of Nottingham — A bluffing game in which players act as merchants trying to get their goods (and sometimes contraband) past the sheriff and into the city for profit.
  • Dimension — Build a pyramid of spheres before the time runs out; but be sure to follow all of the rule cards to earn the most possible points.
  • Bomb Squad — Work together as a team to operate a disposal robot with the mission to disarm bombs and save hostages.
  • The Rose King — In this 2-player abstract game, players use their power cards to bring territories under their control, aiming to keep their territories as contiguous as possible
  • ActionWorks — An Industrial-Revolution-themed card game. Cards represent different kinds of actions in a factory. Players try to collect cards of their action type while using cards to change the pool of available cards.
  • Hogg Wild for Wealth — Players purchase investment opportunities that generate revenues and can later be sold (hopefully for a profit). When an economy card is drawn, investing conditions change.
  • The Voting Game — Anonymously vote for the player best described by the question, then laugh when the results are revealed.

Enter below to win. One lucky winner will receive a brand new copy of all eight games! (Note: our giveaways are only open to U.S. residents, age 18 or older. Why?)

Andy's picture


Peace Out
Andy's picture

Cool contest

James Tinsley
Andy's picture

Thanks for the opportunity!

Michael B.
Andy's picture

Nice lineup! Great contest! 

Benjamin K.
Andy's picture

Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

Andy's picture
Sam B.
Andy's picture

It would be Awesome to Win, been interested in a few of these games!

Ryan Malone
Andy's picture

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Andy's picture

Sweet giveaway!

Andy's picture

Fantastic!  Thanks for the contest.

Andy's picture

Cool magazine, and great contest. Solid lineup of games.

Scott v
Andy's picture


Andy's picture


Jeremy S
Andy's picture

Thanks for the giveaway!

Andy's picture

Always love a new contest from you guys!

Rachel Blackburn
Andy's picture

Thanks for the contest!

Andy's picture
Yes!! Another giveway.
Andy's picture

Love the chance to win some new games!

Aaron Boerner
Andy's picture

Thanks for the opportunity!

Andy's picture

Nice cache of stuff, gj guys!

Andy's picture

the games look fun.  hope i win.

Eric F
Andy's picture


Alex Stevens
Andy's picture



Andy's picture
The art for Odin's Ravens looks a aaaamazing!
Andy's picture

Awesome giveaway!

Andy's picture

This is a cool setup for a giveaway. Looks like a good box too!

Andy's picture


Andy's picture

Thanks for another Big Box giveaway.

Andy's picture

Awesome prize!  This would be so much fun!

Ryan S.
Andy's picture

Thanks for doing a give-away!

Ronald ramirez
Andy's picture
Great games
Donald Wayman
Andy's picture


Ruth D
Andy's picture

Looks like some great games on the list

Andy's picture

Would love to win this!

Andy's picture

Oddly enough, we just checked Forbidden Island out from the library based on a good review by the librarian, so we'll be playtesting it this weekend. 

So many games ... .so . many .. games ..

Scott Bowen
Andy's picture

Good luck everyone!

Dan D.
Andy's picture

Thank you for the contest!

Ann Millar
Andy's picture


Andy's picture

Interesting giveaway. Hope i win. 

Dennis Pyles
Andy's picture

Would love to win


Andy's picture


Crystal Schrader
Andy's picture

Thanks for a great giveaway!

Andy's picture
Thank you!
Caren Lyle
Andy's picture

Love these games!

Jason D
Andy's picture
Thanks for the giveaway!
Judit Skraban
Andy's picture

Thanks for the contest!

Ritchie A
Andy's picture

Good luck to everyone (especially me!)!

Josher Lumpkin
Andy's picture

Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme

Each magazine keeps getting better. Keep it up!
