The final month of 2014 brings to Kickstarter a fun party game, a dice adaptation of a popular board game, strategy games for the whole family, and even one game designed by kids.
A new game has been announced from Steve Jackson Games, Flick 'em Up! is coming next year, and the San Francisco Chronicle recommends games for the holidays.
Cryptozoic has announced a December 3rd release for their newest DC Comics Deck-building Game, Mars Attacks: The Dice Game is now available, and GeekDad reviews DIY Board Games.
Fantasy Flight Games is having a holiday sale from now until December 1st, Fireside Games has announced a new Castle Panic expansion and Asmodee will be acquiring Fantasy Flight Games.
How time flies! Can you believe the holidays are upon us already? Celebrate this amazing time of year with some great games! Here are our favorite picks for the 2014 holiday season.
This month, Kickstarter brings games with lots of fun themes and ideas behind them, from one telling the history of an actual town to another that is played on two boards of the same island separated by several million years.
AEG has announced a new variation for Love Letter, R&R Games’ new railroad-themed game Spike is available for pre-order, and a new Dominion expansion is expected in 2015.