Casual Games | Page 134 | Casual Game Revolution

Casual Games

Both Castle Panic: The Dark Titan and Pandemic Legacy are now available for pre-order and Tiny Epic Kingdoms is getting both an expansion and an iOS adaptation.

Game Salute has released Tiny Epic Defenders, a co-op board game based on Thunderbirds is set for release, and Munchkin Adventure Time is getting an expansion.

News from the New York Toy Fair, six KSOMOS games will be released in the US, and Martian Dice is on sale.

It seems to be the month for dice games, with more than a few of the games on this list featuring lots of dice and rolling. However If you're more interested in miniatures than dice, you might also want to check out Cryptozoic's Ghostbusters.

Ghostbusters: The Board Game already has $400,000 pledged on Kickstarter, Victory Point Games is having a Valentine’s Sale, and Cheapass Games has released two new free print-and-plays.

Spell Saga, a Kickstarter-backed story based card game, is available for pre-order, WizKids has released a new dice building game, and Fireside Games has posted a preview of their new Castle Panic expansion.

"I totally 'dig' it!!" Allow me to introduce Gold Mine, an entry from Stratus Games that explores the interactions between players in a cooperative/competitive game of gathering gold.

Stronghold Games is releasing a drawing-based board game, The Settlers of Catan turns twenty this year, and Across the Board Games writes an interesting article about art in games.

Passport Game Studios releases two casual games this week, Monopoly is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year and Mayfair has a new game for pre-order.

In this Closet Report, our attention turns to an elegant and soon-to-be classic board game, Qin, an easy-to-play, easy to understand game of matching wits.
