Reviews | Page 23 | Casual Game Revolution


Reviews of casual board games.

Visit the London Bridge in Arizona or the Idaho Potato Museum. Bid on 49 quirky and unusual roadside attractions around the USA.

Find your path through a beautiful Japanese garden as you cross bridges, travel under torii (traditional Japanese gates), seek help from poets and samurai, and build the garden itself.

A body is discovered in an office building in Paris. It is up to you to follow leads, question witnesses, and explore crime scenes in order to get to the heart of this mystery.

Ben Pinchback and Matt Riddle return to the roll-and-write genre with Three Sisters from publisher 25th Century games.

Smuggle legal and illegal goods alike into your warehouse to score lots of money at the end of the game, while inspecting other players’ convoys to stop them from doing the same.

Qwixx has been around for ten years. This new take on the classic roll and write brings a few changes from lucky numbers to eight-sided dice.

Petric​hor is the lovely smell that comes from the first rain after a long dry period. It is also the title of this area control game in which you control rain clouds and bring down water onto crops.

How many carnival snacks can you name? Shout out as many as you can think of and hope to complete the hit list!

Do your friends know your favorite ice cream flavor? Or how you’d react if they all turned out to be super-intelligent robots?

Dive into a domino stone age in the newest entry into the Kingdomino game line from Blue Orange Games.
