Party Games | Page 3 | Casual Game Revolution

Party Games

A trivia game that’s all about choosing your own comfort level with each topic. How well do you think you know vegetables, Harry Potter, or magazines?

What’s in the box? Cowboy boots or octopus? Hard to say…but you’re being told it would make a good tattoo.

A woman dies because she was on the phone too long…can you figure out why with some careful yes or no questions?

Would you rather solve a murder case from 100 years ago or confirm a modern conspiracy theory? Would you rather only use technology from the year 2000 or only wear clothing from that year?

Can you build an angel in 30 seconds with only a few colored blocks, and still make it recognizable? Will you attempt a bonus point and try to use fewer blocks than anyone else at the table?

Search among rocket ships, sharks, and clowns to find bones and butterflies, or maybe something with wheels! Race against your opponents and be sure to not be the last person left searching.

Get your team to guess five secret words, but choose your clues carefully because you’re limited in the number of words you can speak. If you fail, the other team will steal the point!

Using only other picture cards flipped to their yes or no side, try to get other players to correctly guess your secret picture.

Have your teammates talk you towards finding hidden objects while blindfolded, or throw an arrow over your shoulder at your opponent with the help of a mirror before they can steal the idol.

Which mean questions will you answer about your fellow players? This party game is all about answering some mean and some not-so-mean prompts.
