To celebrate our Winter 2023 issue of Casual Game Insider, we are giving away three brand new games, plus an expansion, with a total value of over $100!
Z-Man Games has announced a new cooperative version of Carcassonne, Fireside Games has released a new edition and expansion for Castle Panic, and Libellud has announced a new family-friendly Mysterium.
Aladdin has fallen in with Maleficent and Dr. Facilier to team up against Ariel, Gaston, and Demona. It might sound like a fan-fiction novel, but in reality it’s a head-to-head board game of Disney showdowns.
Who saw the Grinch, stealing what, and where? Find out in order to stop him from stealing Christmas in this rethemed version of the classic murder mystery game.
All the shops have had their inventories jumbled together! Race each other to collect your items back in your shop and get rid of the ones that don’t belong.
Repos Production has a new cooperative party game coming soon, Stonemaier Games has announced a new micro cooperative game, and two new Marvel-themed games have been announced.