Bezier Games has announced a new card game, Horrible Guild released a new real-time game last month, and Asmodee and Lego have announced a collaboration.
KOSMOS has released a semi-cooperative trick-taking game, the winners of this year’s Mensa Select Games honor have been announced, and Bezier has a new game coming soon.
Repos Production has a new cooperative party game coming soon, Stonemaier Games has announced a new micro cooperative game, and two new Marvel-themed games have been announced.
A new game in the 7 Wonders series has been announced, Blue Orange Games has a new game available for preorder, and Azul: Queen’s Garden is coming soon.
The winner of this year’s Spiel des Jahres award has been announced, USAopoly (The Op) and Steve Jackson Games are collaborating on a new edition of Munchkin, and a new expansion for Disney Villainous will be released next week.