Summer 2022 Giveaway: Meeple Land, The Crew, A Game of Cat & Mouth, and PicTwist | Casual Game Revolution

Summer 2022 Giveaway: Meeple Land, The Crew, A Game of Cat & Mouth, and PicTwist

Summer 2022 Giveaway

This giveaway has expired. Click here to enter our latest giveaway!

To celebrate our 10th Anniversary issue of Casual Game Insider, we are giving away four brand new games, worth a total of $130: Meeple Land, The Crew: The Quest for Planet 9, A Game of Cat and Mouth, and PicTwist: National Parks.

  • Meeple Land (Blue Orange Games) — Fill your park with water rides and Ferris wheels, plot out the paths, and make sure there are plenty of amenities and room for all, to end up with the most popular amusement park around!
  • The Crew: The Quest for Planet 9 (KOSMOS) — Winner of the 2020 Kennerspiel des Jahres, this is a cooperative trick-taking card game that will send you on an epic space adventure spread out across fifty missions.
  • A Game of Cat & Mouth (Exploding Kittens) — How quickly can you flick the balls from your side of the board to the other? You win the round if you knock the cat's black nose ball onto the other player’s side, all three white teeth balls end up on your opponent’s side, or all eight yellow balls do.
  • PicTwist: National Parks (The Op) — Images of America’s greatest treasures are placed upside down, sideways, and out of order. Put your planning skills to the test with action cards to race against other players and reconstruct the natural wonders.

We would like to offer a special thanks to the publishers of these games for providing the prizes for this giveaway.

Enter below to win! (Note: our giveaways are only open to U.S. residents, age 18 or older. Why?)

Andy Harrison
Andy Harrison's picture

A Game of Cat & Mouth reminds me of the frantic, nugget-chucking hilarity of Coconuts...but with cats...and teeth.

leonbloo's picture
Member Since: 01/01/2021

great giveaway

Michael Morgan
Andy Harrison's picture

Looking to try new games and free is always a great option!

Andy Harrison's picture

Thanks for another great giveaway!

Jonathan Nelson
Andy Harrison's picture

Thanks for the contest!

Martin Gehrke
Andy Harrison's picture

will lightning strike twice?

great selection

Chuck STaples
Andy Harrison's picture

I'm down for at least 3 out of these 4, good choices.

Thanay Binford
Andy Harrison's picture

Awesome giveaway

Andy Harrison's picture

Always enjoy playing games

jpropati's picture
Member Since: 01/12/2016
<p>What a great magazine that covers so much information about gaming and the gaming industry.</p>
Rob F.
Andy Harrison's picture

Thanks for the contest!

Aaron H
Andy Harrison's picture

Love this! Thanks for the opportunity to get some great games... :)

Zachary Hicks
Andy Harrison's picture
Looks fun!
Max O
Andy Harrison's picture

Fun games all around!

Mitchell Dane
Andy Harrison's picture

Great selection

Ruth D
Andy Harrison's picture

Thanks for the contest

Arnie-Wan Kenobi
Andy Harrison's picture

PicTwist Nation Parks looks fun; combinging two of my favorite things; nation parks and games I can play with my kids! And hey, there's a Bob Ross edition! 

Andy Harrison's picture

These look like fun games to play. Playing a "sim" style board game is intriguing (Meepleland).

Joshua Nickel
Andy Harrison's picture

I hope I win 

David Brown
Andy Harrison's picture

I've heards great things about The Crew.

Kelsey Keeney
Andy Harrison's picture
This is such a great giveaway. Thanks for your generosity.
Andy Harrison's picture

Thanks for the giveaway

Kris Kaminski
Andy Harrison's picture

Allways wanted to get MeepleLand

Dave R
Andy Harrison's picture

Nice variety of games - thanks for the contest!

Kevin P. Greaves
Andy Harrison's picture
Who doesn't love a giveaway.
Andy Harrison's picture

New games are ALWAYS a good thing.

FREE games . . . even better!

Katrina Weiss
Andy Harrison's picture

I bet PicTwist is harder than it sounds! They all sound fun though!

Nathan Ware
Andy Harrison's picture

As always, thank you for the giveaway!

Mikhail Rapoport
Andy Harrison's picture

Nice games with fun concepts. Pretty excited about this giveawya and wanting to win.

Aussie Mat
Andy Harrison's picture

It is kinda crap that people from all around the world backed you but when you have a giveaway you can't involve us.

Brian K
Andy Harrison's picture

Good luck!

Dan Mathews
Andy Harrison's picture

Always excited for a raffle

Kelly VanAuken
Andy Harrison's picture

Good luck everyone.

Andy Harrison's picture

Thanks for the giveaway!

Richard Hicks
Andy Harrison's picture

Would love to have these games for our family game night!

Andy Harrison's picture

Why aren't my Twitter entries workingg?!!

Andy Harrison's picture


Michael Nguyen
Andy Harrison's picture

Thank you CGI for providing this opportunity.

Chris James's picture
Site Admin
Member Since: 04/27/2012

Hi Linda, I checked on the back-end and we have received many Twitter entries from other users. I wonder what browser you are using? A browser with high privacy settings might not allow the widget to properly communicate with Twitter to verify the entry. Maybe try a different browser or disable your privacy shield temporarily.

Rachel Edmunson
Andy Harrison's picture

Wow thanks for the chance to win!  These games look super fun!

Emily Peters
Andy Harrison's picture

This is fantastic!

Thank you for another great Giveaway and for the best board gaming magazine out there!

Andy Harrison's picture

Love this!
My kids would love this!
My kids friends would love this!

John G.
Andy Harrison's picture


Always like the chance to win something!

Mike C
Andy Harrison's picture


Andy Harrison's picture

Oh wow!  Four board games at once!  This would be a good one to win!

Andy Harrison's picture
So exciting! Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
Rick LaPorte
Andy Harrison's picture

MeepleLand looks very fun.

Andy Harrison's picture

Appreciated the giveaway, and the look back at classic games...
